Steps of Writing a Paper and How You’re Probably Feeling During Each

1. Killer Introduction


Here is where you’re going to get your marks. Ok not actually but here’s where you either captivate your TA or you piss them off. Be concise. Don’t use airy-fairy language. Use some buzzwords like “synergy” that one’s always good. Unless it is irrelevant to your paper. In which case, don’t.

Feeling: Motivated and discouraged at the same time. Like an Arts Degree – You’re not sure of your direction but you’re going for it anyways

2. Organize your arguments


The body of your paper should flow on its own but also make sure you’ve drawn out a plan so that you don’t start aimlessly writing about nothing. If this happens then all of your feedback will be that you are too vague. The internal dilemma here is that if you’re too opinionated then it’s easier for your marker to deem you wrong.

Feeling: Drained from trying to figure out your own stance. You’re only 19 why do you have to have a stance on the Civil War in Sierra Leone? YOU WEREN’T EVEN THERE.

3. Back yourself up


If all else fails, at least have some facts that support your argument. Like cold, hard, empirical facts or some theory of some dead guy with a beard. If they’re right – you’re right. Right?

Feeling: Either really good or really worried – Starting to feel like your paper is a distant cousin who you’re not sure if you should hug at Thanksgiving or not because it might be really weird but you’re probably going to do it anyways.

4. Peace with a BANG


In your conclusion summarize super briefly what you think you’ve been writing about for x number of hours. Then restate your thesis but reword it – repeating your self is a big no no (haha – “no, no”). And finally write your last few sentences. If you can’t imagine dropping the microphone after the final sentence of your essay, your conclusion needs to be stronger.

Feeling: Exhilarated that you can see the end. But also kind of unsure. It’s like you’re breaking up with your paper and you’re tiptoeing around how to put it.

Rip it off like a Band-Aid and crack a cold one. It’s done.

(After editing of course)